How to buy
Shop in 3 easy steps
Visit our destination store Nostalgia Designer Recycle in Havelock North. Spot something you like in our shop window or on our socials? Get in touch, we're happy to post items out of town.
Browse our collection instore. Our amazing range of designer pieces is constantly evolving with seasonal changes and new stock arriving. Follow us on Insta and FB for the latest drops!
Purchase second hand sustainable clothing to save your wallet and the environment. Buying designer clothing has never been easier!
Buy with confidence
Shop with us and buy with confidence. Thousands of happy clients have trusted our reputation, for sourcing gorgeous quality designer goodies, for over 20 years. We carefully check the condition of goods we sell, but please remember you are buying gently worn items.
Join in the circular economy at Nostalgia.
Shop sustainably with us and smile: you're being light on the environment and on your wallet.
We accept payment by eftpos, cash, and credit. We don't laybuy sorry.
Please choose with care – we can't refund returned goods for a “change of mind”.
Upcycle your wardrobe today
Shop at Nostalgia - update your look with amazing fresh fashion goodness - at great prices.
Second hand is grand!